TESA Tech Team Road Report

Fact Checks, Data Analysis & Project Insights from Tahoe East Shore Alliance
Wildfire series, tamarack fire lake tahoe

Wildfire Series

License To Burn: Wildfire As the Ultimate Private-Public Partnership P1 This is a story of how public private partnerships, like those that proliferate around Lake Tahoe, are setting the world on fire. Literally. License to Burn: Wildfire as the Ultimate Public-Private Partnership

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trumpet interchange lake tahoe

Better Idea? Trumpet Interchange

Design Considerations for US 50 / SR28 Trumpet Interchange by Robert W. Byren, TESA Tech Team We suggest that a “trumpet” interchange at the Spooner Summit interchange, with SR20 passing under US 50, may be a better alternative to the

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TESA tech team Tahoe East Shore Alliance Keep Hwy 50 four lanes
tahoe east shore alliance tesa tech team

TESA Tech Team

The TESA Tech Team comprises several professionals with a broad range of technical backgrounds, from physics, to aerospace engineering, to nutritional biology, to communications, to accounting.  The team is responsible for evaluating and substantiating claims, gathering data, and conducting technical analyses in support of TESA’s mission.  To date, the team has evaluated US 50 accident data to determine real root causes and is now evaluating roadway configurations in support of wildfire evacuation preparedness and emergency response.

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