Urgent Concern – TRPA Failure to Produce Tahoe Basin Wildfire Evacuation Analysis

Several prominent Lake Tahoe advocacy groups have sent a letter to the TRPA Governing Board highlighting the TRPA’s extremely poor to non-existent evacuation planning. The signatories to the letter include the Sierra Club, Friends of the West Shore, North Tahoe Preservation Alliance, TahoeCleanAir and Tahoe East Shore Alliance.

This letter calls for TRPA to put a hold on all project approvals until a proper and complete evacuation study and evacuation scenario is approved for Lake Tahoe and a proper method for evaluating how a proposed project will directly impact evacuations has been established. Today, TRPA does NOT consider any evacuation impact presented by a proposed project when reviewing a project.

TRPA repeatedly states that it has no responsibility for evacuation planning and yet constantly pushes for new projects which greatly restrict roadway access during an evacuation – projects such as TRPA efforts to reduce Hwy 50 to two travel lanes from four travel lanes in order to add a bike/multi use path. Thus, TRPA is clearly grossly misleading the public when it says it has no influence over or responsibility for evacuations.

TRPA Failure to Produce Tahoe Basin Wildfire Evacuation Analysis
Tahoe East Shore Alliance Keep Hwy 50 four lanes

Stop 'Let it Burn' Wildfire and Zephyr Expansion in the Basin

Tahoe East Shore Alliance, TESA, is a large and growing coalition of neighbors and residents along the east shore who represent a strong voice of leadership against overdevelopment, excessive tourism, and regional planning that is opposed to the voice of residents.

"The USFS decision to allow these fires to burn is criminal. We need to put these fires out immediately." Scott Lindgren, Tahoe-Douglas Fire Chief.

TESA continues to protect our magnificent Lake, forests and communities from ill-conceived plans by a few urban planners and unelected officials who aim to recreate the Tahoe basin in their own image. The future of our basin depends on residents who will stand up, speak up and hold the line on persistent over-development, over-tourism and overreach.

That’s how our East Shore community stopped the US 50 Road Diet and worked with Douglas County Board of Commissioners to pass Resolution 2024R-31, designating “the U.S. Highway 50 as a critical primary evacuation route for the Tahoe Township and the California side of South Lake Tahoe,” a win-win for everyone.

USFS Chief Moore's policy on allowing managed wildfires is outrageous, ill-conceived and probably illegal.

Nevertheless, wildfire risk in the Basin remains tantamount. Even with a 4-lane US 50, our evacuation challenges remain. We are pressing forward on all fronts to mitigate fire dangers in the Basin, especially since USFS Chief Randy Moore’ predicts “a very active fire season.” 

The Chief’s Burn Back Better” letter has caused a firestorm among firefighters and Forest Service veterans nationwide over policy that has incinerated nearly 30 million acres of forest lands over the last 5 years. TESA is working closely with the National Wildfire Institute and local Fire Chiefs to push back against dangerous “let burn” fire policy and practice.

Zephyr Cove Resort Discussed

USFS expansion of Zephyr Cove Resort is potential disaster. 

Zephyr Shoals project puts zero limits on capacity for this already congested and chaotic recreation area, welcoming more out of control beach partiesbrawls and July 4 celebrations that leave tons of garbage on our beach.

With USDA/Aramark in charge, what could go wrong?  

The operator of Zephyr Cove Resort is one of the worst in the industry. Recently fired from its Crater Lake concession.  Despite their horrendous safety record, USFS is contracting with Aramark to EXPAND its operation into Zephyr Shoals, some of the most pristine  and gorgeous areas of the Lake. 

Meanwhile, TRPA turns a blind eye to the garbage, violence and upheaval so they can bus in  more tourists to overwhelm already over-taxed infrastructure. 

The Zephyr Party Plan

How bad is it? Every day is 4th of July in Tahoe now

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